We need each other!

For all our sophisticated technology, more than anything, we need each other.

In the last year, we, at Barnhill, have made considerable progress in implementing new ways of working using the remarkable power of the internet, the 'Cloud', mobile devices and apps. The reason we have been doing this has been to give your children the best educational experience we can and to free up our time from administrative tasks so that we spend more time teaching and being there for your son or daughter.

Ideally, we would have introduced these programmes, apps and cloud based services gradually.  However, given the latest news and developments in the world, we have needed to introduce these services to everyone and at a faster rate than we would have liked.

So, we are asking for your help and support. We, too, are learning and we need your help to accelerate our understanding of what is working well for your children and what systems or programmes needs improving.

As we ask your students to engage with Microsoft Teams and many other fantastic applications we would like your feedback and we would be very appreciative of your patience and tolerance.  Not everything is going to work first or even second time and we are going to be very gentle with all the students as they use the new applications. 

If you or your child are finding certain tasks difficult, either because of the hardware such as the computer or phone or because of the actual applications they are being asked to use please would you report this to us.  We ask that you are as detailed in your description as possible and that you give us your permission to contact you by phone and also a number to reach you on.  Should you wish to do this, the email address to send a request for help or to give us feedback is helpline@barnhill.school

Very best wishes,

Mr Gaskin

Learning Technologies Lead & Science Teacher