Character Curriculum Journal

The Character Curriculum Journal is the record of your Character achievements during the student's school career. At the end of each half term, stamps are awarded based on making the right choices in respect, wisdom, aspiration and community over an extended period of time.

Stamps are not given out lightly and have considerable weight in your school career. Each student will complete their Character Curriculum Passport during special form times each half term to reflect on how they earned their stamps.

Students with a significant number of stamps may be considered for a prestigious Character Curriculum badge, awarded by the Character Curriculum Committee of the school, and will become eligible for other awards. The Journal is expected to last between 3 - 5 years and will be kept with the form tutor. Students must look after it, and it will be theirs to take home when they leave school.

The Character Curriculum transcends behaviour, student voice, cultural capital, careers and PSHE. It is not an academic award. It is a mark of esteem that students through their actions, study, progress, behaviour, aspirations and understanding of the school and wider community, have achieved significantly over a sustained period during time at school and will form part of a reference on leaving school. It is achievable by all students. Together, achieving our best.

Students can read examples of how they can pick up this recognition, but there are many other reasons their teachers may choose to award them a stamp.

The Journal also contains examples of individuals who have made a significant impact in the world - often renowned for the best of what humanity has achieved, thought or said, and, or shown considerable strength of character. You will also find a section on school role models who have left school to attain great things and have taken time to pass on their best advice to help students do the same.

There are also examples of Enrichment events students can undertake right now, with parental permission.