Top Scientists talk to Years 7 - 9

To mark British Science Week, exclusive Barnhill only talks were hosted to celebrate science
All students in Year 7 - 9 attended an hour-long talk with Q&A, given by Scientists, exclusive to Barnhill,organised by Mr Potts as part of our Character Curriculum. There were 8 sessions in total, with some Scientists speaking twice. We are very grateful to Sam Wright, Bamidele Farinre, Dr Attrill, Amy Sanders, Dr Campbell, and Adriana Toutoudaki for giving up their time. Special thanks to Miss Taylor, Mr Macauley, Mrs A Rasoul, Ms Kaur, Ms Silveira, Mr Thanikasalam, and Miss Amin for their help with the guests during the talks.
You can read what some of our students and Scientists had to say about the event below. Thanks to Miss Taylor for compiling the student accounts:
"This talk showed the fundamentals of biomedical science and insight into what biomedical scientists do. What I enjoyed about this talk was learning about the importance of biomedical scientists alongside doctors, and their role and impact in the world, but also what specifically these scientists do to help. What I found interesting is the number of different types of biomedical scientists there are and the different aspects that make up their job. You could become a biomedical scientist in a variety of different fields which is already an advantage for the job as well as discovering new things while working. Additionally, the work that these particular scientists do was especially interesting to learn about because you get an understanding of the science behind their jobs and how exactly they improve the lives of people greatly. This was a good experience and I enjoyed this talk throughout."
Year 9
"Yr 7 this morning were fantastic, really welcoming and very engaged. Their brilliant teacher Ms Silveira (Sp – sorry) was very supportive during the session and managed the questions for me. The students all seemed really engaged and asked some really good questions.
Thank you so much for inviting me to talk to your amazing students. I have had a brilliant time."
Dr Sam Wright