Year 6 Transition Day

Tuesday 4 July 

Dear Parents and Carers,

RE: Year 6 Transition Day, 4th July 2023

We have now completed our Primary school visits and I write to inform you of the outline of Transition Day at Barnhill Community High School for Year 6 students on Tuesday 4th July.

Students should come direct to Barnhill School from 8:20am and parents and carers are welcome to gather with their children at the Main Entrance.  At this point we ask all parents and carers to leave so that the children enter the school independently for the first time.  Mrs. James (Year 7 Pastoral Support Manager) will be available at the Front Gate should you have any questions.  You do not need to attend your Primary school on this day at all.

Students should wear their smartest Primary school uniform and wear trainers as the planned activities for the day may include PE, Dance and Drama.

Students should bring a bag or backpack with a pencil case and basic equipment for some written work as well as a packed lunch and water as they will not be able to access food from the canteen until September.  Students in receipt of Free School Meals should speak to their Primary school beforehand who will be able to provide a packed lunch for the day if necessary.

Students will depart from the Main Entrance from 2:20pm and members of the Key Stage 3 team will be on hand to field any questions that parents/carers may have at this point.

Parents should bring £5 (cash only) for a new Year 7 tie which will be issued to students on their first day in September.  We will collect this at the Main Entrance or you may also pay at the Parents Transition Coffee Afternoon (see below).

Parents’ Transition Coffee Afternoon is on Tuesday 11th July from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. We will issue copies of the Transition Booklet which contains essential information for all parents and students new to Barnhill.  We strongly recommend that all parents attend. If you can not attend then you can collect your child’s Transition Booklet from the Main Reception at any time.


  • Students to arrive from 8:20am at the Main Entrance and gather on the Front Playground.
  • Students to wear Primary school uniform and trainers.
  • Students to bring a bag with pencil case, packed lunch and water.
  • Parents to collect students from 2:20pm at the Main Entrance.
  • Parents Information Evening will be Tuesday 11th July.

SEND Transition Day and Single Student Transition Morning

Your child may also be attending Barnhill on Monday 3rd July to spend some time with the SEND department. If this applies to you then our SENDCo, Mrs. Gibbons will have been in touch with you already or via your child’s Primary school.  If you have not been contacted by anyone at Barnhill about this then this event is not for your child.

Data Collection Form (IMPORTANT):

Please note that the deadline to complete the Data Collection Form has now passed. Please CLICK HERE to complete the form or go to if you have not yet done so. If you are unable to complete the form online or would like some support, our Admission Officer will be more than happy to assist you in completing the form over the phone and you can request a call back by contacting the Main Reception on 0208 839 0600.

Key Contacts:

If you have any further questions about Transition Day then please do not hesitate to contact the Admissions Officer or any member of the Key Stage 3 team.