PSHRE Information Evening for Parents/Carers

Thu 12 Oct | 4pm - 5.30pm

Dear Parents/Carers, 

I am writing to make you aware that as a part of your child’s educational experience at Barnhill Community High School, we aim to promote wellbeing and development through our programme of Personal, Social, Health, Relationship Education (PSHRE). This gives our young people the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to become happy and well-rounded individuals. 

We aim for all our students to know how to deal with the challenges of the modern world, be informed about how to keep themselves safe and healthy and have good relationships with others. From September 2020 the Department for Education made Relationships Sex Education and Health Education compulsory in all schools.

What does the new guidance mean? The new guidance focuses on healthy relationships and keeping children safe. It also covers a wide range of topics relating to physical and mental health, wellbeing, safeguarding and healthy relationships. Learning about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, it will give young people the information, skills and positive values to have safe, fulfilling relationships and will help them take responsibility for their own well-being. 

All of the sessions will be age-appropriate and meet the needs of all pupils in the class.
How will this be delivered? This guidance will form part of our school’s PSHRE programme which is taught throughout the school in every year group by your child’s form teacher. It will be monitored and reviewed regularly by the Heads of Year, Curriculum Leader for PSHRE and the Senior Leadership Team.

For more details about Relationships Sex Education and Health Education topics please see the topics covered in the attached PSHRE curriculum map overview.

All teaching will take place in a safe learning environment and be underpinned by our school ethos and values. We strongly encourage parents to discuss your child’s experience with them following their PSHRE lessons. We welcome feedback on how we can support your child’s personal development further. If you wish to discuss any aspects of our session, please do not hesitate to get in contact with a member of our Pastoral team or email me directly

All parents/guardians have the right to withdraw their child from Relationship and Sex Education. If withdrawn, your child will attend alternative PSHRE lessons during tutor time, two mornings per week.

We are holding an information drop in evening for parents who have any questions about the content/would like to see the resources on 12th October 2023 between 4pm and 5.30pm. If you are considering withdrawing your son/daughter from this RSE PSHRE unit – please do attend the evening to discuss provisions with myself and Ms Ahmed (CL PSHRE).


Yours sincerely 
Miss C Love