Careers (CEIAG)

Our Vision 

Every student is in a position to make informed, realistic and sequential decisions about their futures.

We offer a comprehensive careers education programme from Year 7 through to Year 13 in order to help our students achieve their goals. 

Careers Strategy

The Barnhill Careers (CEIAG) Strategy focuses on ensuring each of our students receive high quality careers guidance, which is critical to raising students’ aspirations and capitalising on the opportunities available to them. Our goal is to equip students with the confidence and skills which allow them to effortlessly progress into further education or into the workplace.  

To allow for this, our strategy has been modelled on the Gatsby Benchmarks, which emerged from a government enquiry into what makes good careers guidance at schools and colleges nationwide and is now defined as the statutory guidance. These benchmarks ensure that all students at Barnhill are exposed to high quality careers guidance throughout their time at Barnhill.  

  1. A stable careers programme  
  2. Learning from career and labour market information 
  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil 
  4. Linking curriculum learning to career 
  5. Encounters with employers and employees 
  6. Experiences of workplaces 
  7. Encounters with further and higher education 
  8. Personal guidance 

Our Careers Strategy is regularly evaluated using Compass+ to assess our progress against the Gatsby Benchmarks. We also take regular feedback from students on CEIAG events which informs our future planning.

Careers Partners

At Barnhill we are always looking to expand our network in order to keep up to date with careers education and search for the best opportunities for our students. Please read below to find out more about our careers partners. 

Educational Development Trust
Barnhill is part of the EDT's Hillingdon Careers Cluster, a local and collaborative network, and has regular meetings with the EDT to improve and evaluate our careers programme. 

Local Partners 
We are currently looking for local employers to support our CEIAG programme at Barnhill, please do get in touch with Miss E Okoye contactable at, if you are interested in supporting us.

Contact Us

If you would like to contact us about CEIAG at Barnhill, please contact the following: 

SLT Careers Lead is 
Ms C Love
020 8839 0600 ext. 656 

Careers Co-ordinator is 
Ms E. Okoye 
020 8839 0600 ext. 634 
is Ms Gibbons