Safeguarding Resources
Seen something online that disturbs you, then report it:
Millions of pieces of terrorist content are uploaded every year. Report disturbing content using new app Report It – it’s easy, speedy, and anonymous. Click here to visit the website and download the app on your phone.
Mental Health
This is a 5 minute video "We all have mental health" which would be useful for you to watch with your children. The Anna Freud National Centre for Children and families has lots of resources that students and parents can use, so please do explore their website. Please also look at the leaflet they have provided.
Please do get in touch with Miss Snaith if you would like further clarification.
What is a young carer?
Young children or carers are young people under the age of 18 who provide ongoing and regular physical or emotional support to a family member who is physically or mentally ill, disabled or misuses substances.
A young carer will normally carry out significant tasks and has a level of responsibility that you would normally expect an adult to have.
Click here for more information.